Love Me, Love My Brand – Building Trust

Love Me, Love My Brand – Building Trust

Building Trust

Following on from last month’s post about branding I’m going to talk about why people prefer to do business with those they know, like, and trust.

Of course they do …

It makes sense if you think about it …

No one wants to do business with someone who seems shifty and unpleasant.

In fact, that’s a lesson on how not to do business.

But even being pleasant and agreeable won’t cut it if people think you don’t know what you’re doing …

That just makes you a lovable idiot …

And that’s not what you want.

So, you and your brand need to have all three qualities:

  • You need to be likeable. Someone who cares, about their business, and their customers. Someone who is just like their target market.
  • You need to be memorable. Your business has to stand out from the crowd, for all the right reasons.
  • You need to prove to potential customers that you know what you’re doing. That you know what people want, and you’re the expert they need.

In short, you must position yourself as a trusted, caring professional. A bit like your favourite doctor or dentist …

How you do that depends on your audience …

Let’s Start With The Likeability Factor …

Humour is always good, as long as it’s appropriate and you know your readers will ‘get it’. It’s hard to dislike someone who’s made you laugh …

Understanding your market, and knowing their likes, dislikes, and problems will garner trust and congeniality, especially if you’ve experienced the same things as your reader.

Your website copy has to connect with your reader on a deeper level than just stating the problem and the solution.

Feel their pain, their joy, their frustration, their anger …

Get personal …

Tell people why you do what you do. Tell stories about your triumphs and failures. Show people you’re just like them …

Inspire people. Motivate them. Make them feel good about themselves, and about your company.

Speak the same way your customers speak, if you’re just like them it should come naturally.

Give value, even in your free content. Go over and above what they expect …

Be honest and open, and authentic.

What’s not to love about that?

Building Trust …

Is easy if you’ve been in business for a while, and you’ve delivered on your promises.

Your customers will verify your integrity and reliability in the form of testimonials, customer reviews, and case studies.

For new businesses you’ll just have to build that trust slowly …

And you customers may have to take a leap of faith.

But there are ways to build trust and ease their minds.

Having a professional and easy to navigate website is a good start …

Of course your product or service will have some sort of guarantee and easy returns process, so new customers are satisfied they’re not taking any risks by trusting you.

It also helps to anticipate any questions your readers might have and putting them, along with your answers, on a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

And make it super easy for people to contact you – preferably a live chat, or fast email reply, or even a phone number. Remember those?

Just be accessible …

So How Do You Prove You Know What You’re Talking About?

It comes back to that professional-looking website …

Make sure all your content is knowledgeable, and worth reading.

Know what your audience has to come to find out …

Research them so they can research you.

It helps if you have other ways to prove your competence and experience – books, podcasts, speaking gigs, guest posts on respected websites, courses. It all adds to your credibilty …

A few minutes on your website should prove to people that you know your stuff, and they’re in the right place.

People visit your website to find what they need, usually solutions to their problems …

If you can provide all that, and make them feel safe, comfortable and confident doing business with you …

Then what’s not to know, like, and trust?

It becomes just another facet of your remarkable brand.

Too easy …


Keep The Faith


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