Multi-Channel Marketing for Real Connections

Multi-Channel Marketing for Real Connections

Multi-Channel Marketing written on the screen of a smartphone

Continuing on from last month’s post about the buyer’s journey, I’m going to expand on multi-channel marketing to distribute that content to your audience.

People engage with content in different ways so it makes sense to use a range of channels to increase the chances of your content being consumed.

Your choice of channels will depend on your audience …

I’ll say it again, know your audience …

Who are they, how do they engage with your content, on what devices and mediums?

And don’t just market at your tribe, choose channels where they can participate and give you feedback …

Otherwise how will you know if they’re getting your message the way you intended.

Just because it makes sense to you doesn’t mean it makes sense to everyone else. We all think differently and interpret messages differently …

By letting your audience engage and participate you can test different marketing channels to see what works. It’s an ongoing process but that’s what makes it so interesting …

It’s fun to get creative while delighting your audience and offering them real value …

So test out your marketing messages on different people to ensure you’re saying what you think you’re saying …

And once you’ve made your message clear and compelling, try these marketing channels to get that message across.


Not just written content on your website, which is important, but text messages via mobile phones.

Many businesses are sending marketing messages by text, but how many offer the ability to engage with those messages and reply back to them?

If all you do is send a generic message to everyone on your list with no way to reply, your future messages will largely be ignored …

Let your tribe engage with you by asking questions and making comments the same way to contacted them – via test message.


The same goes for email messages …

How many times have you read a marketing email that invites you to reply with comments or questions only to be greeted by the sound of crickets when you take them up on that invitation?

You’re marketing to real people and modern marketing is now a two-way conversation. You had your say, now let your audience reply and have their say …

The more you engage the more you’ll be liked and trusted

Social Media

It sounds obvious  – I mean it’s right there in the title – but how social is your social media presence?

Does someone reply to comments or questions your audience posts on your sites?

People want to engage and participate with companies they do business with, and one of the best ways they can get to know you better is via your social media sites …

So be social. Check your social media multiple times a day and answer questions and connect with your customers …

One of the best ways to build trust is let your audience know you’re there for them, no matter what …


Your website is one of the primary places – although not the only place – your customers can go to find out information about your products and services.

Your multi-channel marketing messages should all encourage people to go to your website.

It should be full of valuable and useful content, and it should include a way to for your customers and potential customers to get in contact with you, and be assured of a speedy reply to any questions or concerns they have.

Two-Way Conversations

Multi-channel marketing is just that, multi-channel, so there are many more channels you can use to get your message across, even physical stores and snail mail …

But the Internet ensures that marketing is no longer a one-way push to get people to hear your message …

It’s now a two-way activity where your customers offer, and can also receive, instant feedback which allows you to experiment, test, and tweak your marketing messages to ensure you’re properly connecting to your target audience.

Isn’t modern technology wonderful?


Keep the Faith

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